Friday Favorites & Updates

Hello friends! Long time no chat! It's been exactly a month since I've blogged. I've had every intention of keeping up with this place, but with being a working momma and Emma getting more mobile every day, it's been hard to carve out time to consistently blog. It's still such as passion of mine though, so I promise to be more consistent! Anything YOU all would like to see more of in this space? I'd appreciate any ideas in the comments below!

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things that have been on my heart and mind this past month...starting with the best cake smash ever!

1. Emma's cake smash.

Emma thoroughly enjoyed her cake on her first birthday! It was a simple white cake with vanilla frosting and we let her go at it for a couple minutes and then swiftly took it away.


And yes, it was a full sugar, full flour, totally regular cake. I didn't make anything sugar-free or organic or anything like that because the truth of the matter is (from the research I've done and children I've worked with), when you restrict a child, they are even more likely to rebel and do things that you don't want them to do. She eats healthy vegetables, proteins, and whole grains 99% of the time and I want her to have a healthy relationship towards treats from the very beginning; starting with the fact that treats are "sometimes" foods, and not "everyday foods" and that it's ok to have a treat on your birthday, then move on with your life.

2. Birthday trip to Disneyland


We took Emma to Disneyland the Monday after her birthday and we had a BLAST! She slept for the first two hours which gave my hubby and I sweet time to walk around, grab coffee, and reminisce about our days at Disneyland when we were dating and just married. Disneyland holds a special place in my heart, and now it's even more special to be able to enjoy it with my little tribe!

3. Being Brave


I grabbed this book on a whim at Target and I am so glad I did. Almost every devotional, Bible verse, or motivational quote I've read lately has been on the concept of being brave. Think God is trying to tell me something? All that to say, I highly recommend this book!


4. Cauliflower gnocchi from Trader Joe's.

This stuff has been blowing up my Instagram feed for weeks, so I finally decided to give in and try it. Oh. My. Gosh. WE LOVED IT! Even my husband who needs meat with practically every meal, thoroughly enjoyed this. We used a pesto cream sauce (literally combined a 1/2 cup lite Alfredo with 1 tsp of pesto and mixed it well). Such a good meal and I'll be definitely grabbing a few bags next time I hit up TJ's!


5. Kodiak Cakes.

A box of these protein pancakes have been sitting in my pantry for a couple weeks. I finally made them and they were SO good! And all you do is mix the mix with water, so easy! I added a dash of cinnamon to the batter too, because cinnamon. These complemented my spinach scramble nicely and kept me full for quite a while! I highly recommend!


I hope you all have had a great week and can pick at least 5 things you are grateful for and are "favorites" in your life! It's always good to have a positive mindset and look for the joy and blessings in our life verses only focusing on what may be stressing us out! Have a great weekend and blessed Mother's Day to all you mommas out there! Not gonne lie, we are rockstars!

Move more and sit less

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a MONTH since I posted on my blog! This blog is something near and dear to my heart, and I don't plan on disappearing again for this long! But I have needed a break from social media/the internet lately, and the first things to suffer were my Instagram account and my blog. But don't worry, I'm back! Sometimes it's nice to unplug, and then plug right back in when you are rested and ready. 

I've been reading so many articles lately about how detrimental sitting can be for our health. I know for me, even as a registered dietitian and health professional, my job consists of a LOT of sitting. I sit with my patients when reviewing their lab work and meal plans, I sit at my desk while I chart and do paper work, and then most of the time, I come home from work, so tired from sitting, that I just sit some more! My energy levels have been dropping, and I've realized that the more I sit, the more tired I get, and the more I want to sit some more. It's a vicious, vicious cycle (and please tell me I'm not alone)!

Yep, already 2pm on this particular day and only had 2000 steps! 

Yep, already 2pm on this particular day and only had 2000 steps! 

But a big motivation to move is current research that shows that the more you sit, the more likely you are to develop heart disease and diabetes. And trust me, you do NOT want those diseases. Diabetes is a huge contributing factor to renal (kidney) failure, and as a renal dietitian who works with patients daily who have failed kidneys and are on dialysis, diabetes is the number one thing my patients wish they prevented or taken more care of early on in life. Diabetes can cause problems with eye sight, with nerve/feeling in your extremities, and can cause renal failure. Patients with renal failure eventually end up on dialysis which is a treatment that comes along with a complete lifestyle overhaul: dialysis 3 days a week, limits on how much fluid you can drink, and a very restrictive diet that cuts out even the "healthiest" of foods, such as avocados, potatoes, bananas, and nuts, which become detrimental to someone with kidney failure. 

We all know that a healthy diet is crucial to health and longevity. Limiting refined carbohydrates and sweets is important. We should be choosing whole foods most of time, such as a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, legumes, and healthy fats. But, where does activity factor in to the mix? 


Being active can be hard in our fast paced society. When I work with my private practice clients and suggest them adding activity into their day, I often get "I don't have time" and "I'm just so tired" as the top excuses. What we often fail to understand is that exercise gives us MORE energy than we could ever think of! The supply of oxygen that floods through our bodies as we get our heart rate up gives us an extra jolt, feel-good endorphins, and naturally gives us more energy for the rest of our day. 

Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day has been shown to be wildly beneficial for overall health. That can be as easy to fit in as a 30 minute sitcom. Setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier in the morning to powerwalk, or heading to the gym for 30 minutes after work is not only doable, but will make you a healthier and more vibrant person in your everyday life at work, with friends, and with family. Heck, even going on walks during your breaks at work can make a big difference!



What are some ways you can see yourself being more active throughout the day? Make yourself a priority and schedule in your workouts. You wouldn't miss a work meeting, right? So why would you miss the most important meeting of your day; taking care of yourself and your health!? 

So, nourish yourself well, move some more, sit less, and see how your energy levels will skyrocket and your health will improve! If you need a little more one-on-one work on how to get started on your healthy living journey, my door is always open! Contact me and we can get started putting a plan together for you! 

My 1 year coaching anniversary!

Today is my one year anniversary...for coaching that is!! Our 1 year wedding anniversary is in April, but I signed up as a coach 2 months prior to that. And yes, during that crazy wedding season! Every day, I am so thankful to God for this opportunity. 


Looking back now, I can't remember a time that I wasn't a coach. And I'm well aware of how cliche that sounds, but seriously, coaching has becoming SUCH a big part of my life. I consider it my full time job, even though I also work 40 hours per week. Coaching has taken my heart and soul captive, and I feel like God has created me for this very purpose. 

Seeing women gain confidence, energy, and motivation is one of my biggest joys. Seeing my coaches be able to lead their own clients and make an income following their heart is an unbelievable thing to see. Our coaching team is so diverse, which makes us blend together perfectly! We rely on each other, cry to each other, and lift each other up. We encourage each other to be the women we were created to be and, as John Maxwell states numerous times in his books, reach our God-given potentials as human beings. 

I became a coach because I loved the Beachbody program I was doing, and I wanted to spread the love. Little did I know that becoming a coach opened the doors for me to join an AMAZING community of women and men striving for the same thing: to end the trend of obesity, to provide support, tools, and encouragement to live a healthy life, and to teach each other how to live a life by design, doing what we LOVE.  Oh man, that's a whole lot of extras thrown in there! Not only do we get to live the dream of being our own boss, we get to be our own boss doing what we LOVE to do. And there can't be anything better than that! 

If you have ever wondered about what I do as a Beach body coach, I'd love for you to fill out the form below. Our team is hosting a free, 5 day sneak peak into coaching group; no strings attached and no obligations! We will basically chat about what we do as coaches, a day in the life, and answer questions in the process! I'd love to hear from you and welcome you into this amazing community! 

Consistency is the Secret Sauce

Consistency is a theme that has been rolling around in my head for a while now. Consistency is key to success, and I've been seeing this in my life a LOT these past few months! Most people start a new venture with gumption and dedication...but find themselves low on motivation a few weeks later. This could relate to a fitness program, weight loss, writing a book, doing a home project, etc. Any change of habits or push towards a goal requires consistent, daily actions in order to reach those goals. 


The quote above is one of my favorite quotes. It just goes to show that the secret to any lasting change is a consistent, daily decision to keep doing what you need to do in order to reach those goals and hit big milestones. We have to change our daily routine. The secret sauce to success is focusing on what we do on a consistent basis. 

What are some goals you've had for a while? Are they losing weight? Getting stronger? Developing more patience? Saving some money? Whatever your goals may be, finding a daily action that will add to that goal will help you reach that goal so much faster. 

I've realized that change happens when we can consistently duplicate something day in and day out. And most of us know how to reach our goals and what actions we need to take. BUT, often times, we fail to take those actions. It seems too hard in the moment and we just give up trying. We know a salad will help us reach our goals faster than a burger, but the burger becomes our choice. We know we don't need an extra dress, but we think what the heck, it's only $30, and we put it in our cart. I've done this SO many times and have tricked myself into thinking these small decisions don't matter.

What I've learned in the past year, and especially since becoming an entrepreneur and beach body coach, is that my daily actions MATTER. We are what we do every day, not what we do once a month or once a week. If we run once a month and call it a workout, that won't get us anywhere. If we work on our dreams and our business goals once a week, but ignore it the other 6 days, that won't get us anywhere either. 

I've noticed consistency in my life lately and it's been really rewarding. In regards to fitness, I'm on week 6 of Hammer and Chisel and have seen such a difference in my body, strength, and overall mindset. I've never had such incredible results from a program before! I feel strong, toned, lean, and fit. I've also been practicing intuitively eating while using the Hamer and Chisel meal plan containers, and I've never felt so much freedom when it comes to my food choices!

Week 1 and end of Week 6!

Week 1 and end of Week 6!

But I've been doing these things daily, not just once in a while. I workout DAILY. I nourish my body DAILY. I drink my shakeology DAILY. It isn't a once in a while thing, it's a daily commitment to reach my goals. 

What are some goals you've had for a while but continue to fall short of? We are human, and it happens. TRUST ME, I've experienced more failures than successes in my lifetime, but it is what we do AFTER those failures that matter. This past November, I did not take care of my body well and binged horribly on Thanksgiving week/weekend. The following week, I was determined to use that failure as motivation to get back on track, and thank God I've been on track ever since! That doesn't mean treats haven't been involved, because they have! But I haven't fallen back into that deep dark binging pit, and I really think THAT is why I've been able to see such incredible results in my body and in my mind! All glory to God, because I know I would not be able to conquer my binge eating issues without HIS strength. 

Consistency is not something that just happens overnight. I work with clients on a daily basis, and consistency is the main thing that we all struggle with. That is why it is SO important to have accountability when trying to reach any goals, especially health and fitness ones! Which is why I love running my monthly Bootcamp groups and empowering the women in these groups to stop assuming that they will keep failing. Failing is a part of life of course, but success IS possible through consistent, daily actions. 

So this is me, giving you the go-ahead to reach your goals once and for all. Believe in yourself and that you CAN do it. Don't doubt yourself or how capable you are, because you deserve success and you deserve health! If you need some extra accountability and motivation to help you find a consistent groove in your life, feel free to contact me here! I love coaching and guiding women to reach their goals. You CAN go from where you are to where you WANT to be, it is possible, and I SO believe in you! :) 

Craziest Month EVER: Month 1 Insanity Review

I can't believe it has been one month since I started the Insanity program! This is the program that I always told myself I couldn't do, and that I wasn't strong enough for, so the fact that I have followed it to a T for the past month is a HUGE accomplishment for me! It's been hard, sweaty, painful, and challenging, but I can honestly say that this program has been the most rewarding one I have done; not only for my body, but for my mental strength and endurance as well. 

First and foremost, here are my one month results!

I can't believe the results I am seeing. For the first time ever, I feel like my body is literally shedding all of that excess fluff and bloat. I'm seeing definition in my abs, and that is just SO exciting to me! This program is pushing me to my limits. After each and every workout, I feel a sense of accomplishment I have never felt before. 

Of course, it isn't just the workout that I should contribute my results to. As a dietitian, I know more than anyone that weight loss, getting in shape, toning up, and reaching your goals is 80% food and 20% exercise. I've overeaten my way through programs with zero results to show for it. SO, my nutrition during insanity has been imperative. I've been following the 21 day fix portion control system, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the BEST meal plan out there to help you reach your goals. 

Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 7.29.18 AM.png
Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 7.29.09 AM.png

I made sure to eat all my containers, drink water, and of course, have my Shakeology daily!

And I still had room to enjoy my favorites on this meal plan! Like Waffle Wednesday with the hubby! :) 

The most important thing to remember is to eat for your goals. My goals are to lean out a bit and tone up in the process, while not starving. This meal plan was PERFECT for that! It is so important to have a "plan."

If we call it a diet in our minds, it is only temporary. The plan needs to be one that we can follow for a lifetime, and I can see myself following this one for a lifetime! I felt energized, full, and excited for each meal! 

Overall, I am beyond thrilled with my results and how I am feeling! I can't wait to see what this next month will hold! Right now, I am in my "recovery" week between month 1 and month 2 for insanity. I am looking forward to the rest of this program, and will keep you all updated!!

This, and any program really, will work for you if you follow through and stick to it. Do you need some extra accountability? I can be your coach and coach you through the program that is best suited for YOU and YOUR goals! My September Joyfully Fit Bootcamp starts in a few weeks, and I would love to have you join! The accountability in this group is what has helped me get this far in my journey. The deadline to sign up in September 10th, so make sure to fill out the form below if you are interested!!! I can't wait to begin working with you!

Superfood Spotlight! Maca root & Camu-Camu!

When you think of superfoods, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of vitamins? Minerals? Antioxidants? Fruits and vegetables? Exotic, hard to find produce that is only grown in remote areas of the world? 

Superfoods are something we learned about in school as dietitians. They are foods that have more nutrients comparatively than other foods of their kind. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are considered superfoods. Common ones would be blueberries, acai, and sweet potatoes for example. However, there are so many more out there! I went to a conference a few months back for work and heard a talk by a dietitian on Peruvian superfoods. He talked about superfoods like camu-camu-camu berries, maca root, and blue corn. My friends and I immediately started to google where we could find these obscure foods since we wanted their superfood benefits! However, one of my best friends did some research and found that these superfoods are in our beloved drink, Shakeology! We had already begun drinking Shakeology at this point for about one month, so we were both thrilled that this whole time, we were getting the benefits from these superfoods, specifically maca root and camu-camu berries. 

My aim with this post is to give you all a better understanding of WHY I think Shakeology is so crucial to everyone's health, especially because it includes these amazing and healthy whole food superfoods. I know I talk about the benefits of healthy, whole food eating all the time, but once we are equipped with the knowledge necessary to understand the science behind these claims, nutrition falls into place, and we can make informed decisions about what goes in our bodies! Shakeology contains so much more than these two superfoods, and I hope to do a whole superfoods series on the different ingredients in Shakeology. But for now...introducing Maca root and Camu-camu berries!

Maca Root

Maca is a root vegetable that has been found to have a ton of health benefits. It is most known for helping things in the L-O-V-E department, but I won't go into that. Instead, I'll talk about its effects on our energy levels!

Maca provides stamina and energy; many athletes use it as a natural way to boost energy levels before athletic events. It has even been used to fight chronic fatigue syndrome. Maca is also known to help fight depression and increase moods. In Peru, it is mixed into tea to help with anxiety and stress levels. Overall, Maca is a superfood that provides us with energy and stamina throughout the day. Maca is specifically beneficial for women in the following areas: hormone balance, thyroid health, improving skin tone, enhancing libido, and preventing osteoporosis. 

As you can see, Maca root has a variety of very potent and important health benefits! It is a powerful superfood and can really make a positive impact on your health! 

Camu-Camu Berries

These berries are chock-full of immune-boosting properties. Actually, the vitamin C content of camu-camu berries is the highest of any food source! It also has a wide antioxidant profile, which means it protects the body against dangerous intruders or reactions that can cause problem such as inflammation, disease, and cancer. It has also been linked to preventing against the progression of Alzheimer's disease. 

Camu-camu also has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is one of the root causes of many health problems nowadays, such as heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune conditions, and many others. In some cases, inflammation is necessary to fight off infection, but it can often go into overdrive by poor lifestyle choices such as the Standard American Diet (SAD) and not enough exercise. Camu-camu is a great component of an anti-inflammatory diet to prevent the serious diseases caused by too much inflammation. Other benefits of these berries include helping regulate moods, protecting against bacteria in the body, and helping with fertility. 


As you can see, these superfoods have such an enormous and positive effect on our health. Nutritionally, the superfoods added to Shakeology are from WHOLE FOOD sources. You are not getting these benefits from chemicals, pills, and synthetic stimulants. The energy and increased health felt when drinking Shakeology is because of the God-created, whole foods that go into this nutrient-dense drink. 

Stay tuned for more posts about the other components of Shakeology, because there are a TON! As a dietitian and nutrition nerd, I am so looking forward to doing this blog series. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at, or fill out the "contact me" page! 

Have a great evening everyone, and stay healthy! 



Introducing...Joyfully Fit Bootcamps!

For a few months, as a registered dietitian and beach body coach, I have been conducting health and fitness online accountability groups, hosting many free, 5 day clean eating challenges, as well as hosting general accountability groups for my clients. Well, I am now officially launching my "Joyfully Fit Bootcamps!”

What is a Joyfully Fit Bootcamp?

Let's face it; doing this whole weight loss, getting healthy, eating clean thing is hard and lonely. In our world, with temptation around every corner, we can feel as if healthy living is impossible. But that is simply not true. With a Joyfully Fit Bootcamp, you will never be alone!!! Joyfully Fit Bootcamps will provide you with 28 days of online, fitness accountability in a private, safe, and supportive environment. 


Here is exactly what you get when you join a Joyfully Fit Bootcamp!

1. A consultation with me, your personal registered dietitian and coach, to help you get started on the right track and pick a fitness package best suited for you. 

2. You will receive a fun, state of the art Beach Body fitness program that is geared towards YOUR needs and YOUR goals.

3. You will learn how to meal prep and meal plan according to your food preferences and lifestyle.

4. You will receive ongoing fitness support and accountability in our private Facebook group. 

5. You will receive a month's supply of a nutrient-dense shake that is packed with super-foods, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and antioxidants all in one package, which I like to call the craving-killer package! 

6. Once you complete a bootcamp, you will get a lifetime Joyfully Fit membership. This gives you a spot in all of my future bootcamps, and constant communication with me as your personal fitness cheerleader. 


Now is the perfect time to join one of my bootcamps! Why not put your health and fitness first? Why not finally do something for YOU? You don't have to be "ready" or "perfect" to finally get healthy. Health can come to you at any season of life, you just have to choose it. YOU deserve to finally reach your goals, have more energy for your kids, and to feel comfortable in your skin. Why not you? 


Investing in your health: 

We are always investing in something, whether it is our education, career, style, retirement, or travel. So why not choose to invest in something with a priceless return - a happy and healthy life! Joyfully Fit Bootcamp packages begin at $160, and range based on your goals. Remember, with your fitness package you will receive a world class program, a detailed meal plan, a 30-day supply of a superfood shake, daily accountability during the bootcamp, a lifetime membership for all future bootcamps, and me as your coach for life! 


When can I start?

If you are ready to take a leap of faith, trust in yourself, and believe you can accomplish anything, you would be a perfect candidate for one of my bootcamps. I only accept a limited number of people every month to make sure these groups stay intimate, honest, and safe. If you are interested in a free consultation with me and to learn about when my next bootcamp will be, please fill out the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible! 

There is no better time than TODAY to finally get healthy. You deserve to live your life to the full, so why not start now?

You can do ANYTHING for 21 days!


I am excited to announce that I will be hosting my first ever 21-day health and fitness challenge!! As many of you know, I hosted a free 5-day clean eating challenge last week, and it was such a success! I was so encouraged and motivated by the ladies in my group, so I decided to take this venture one step further and offer a 21-day challenge pack for anyone interested in stepping it up with their health and fitness before summer hits! 



21 days may seem like a long time, but really, it’s JUST 21 days. You can do anything for 21 days! And this pack is unlike any other. It include so much bang for your buck. Here is a detailed list of what is included in your challenge pack:


  1. A fitness routine consisting of just 30 minute workouts per day…that’s right, just 30 minutes! That’s one Big Bang Theory episode just in case anyone wants to make that comparison! :) 
  2. A step by step meal plan that focuses on portion control and moderation. This meal plan is unlike any other! You don’t feel deprived because you can pick and chose the foods you want to eat, as long as they are in the right portions. And NO calorie counting! 
  3. A secret Facebook group where we can hold each other accountably, share our success and our struggles, and encourage one another! 
  4. A month’s supply of Shakeology, a superfood drink that contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, exotic super-foods, AND it tastes amazing! 
  5. ME as your coach! I will be your personal dietitian, encourager, coach, motivational speaker, or anything else you may need to get you through those 21 days. 


And what will this require from you? Taking a risk and putting your health first. Your health and happiness are worth it. If you are stuck in the rut of unhealthy food choices, or just want something to motivate you to workout every day, this program is perfect for you. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so why not just start making new, healthier habits, and breaking the chains of our old ones? In 3 weeks, your entire outlook could be different. You will feel healthier, stronger, and more confident. 



This challenge will start on May 4th, 2015. If you are interested, please contact me at or fill out the form below, and I will get in touch with you!

It's Finally APRIL!!!

I CAN'T BELIEVE APRIL IS HERE!!! And yes, that statement deserves all caps because April is the month that I am getting married! In 18 days, I will be Mrs. Verano, and I seriously can't wait. Literally, I am having trouble waiting. I'm just so excited, nervous, stressed, tired, energetic, and every possible spectrum of emotion right now. For me, a new month means new goals. I've gotten into the habit of setting daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals after reading "PUSH" by Chalene Johnson (I highly recommend this book!) and this morning, I got a chance to reflect on March and set some goals for April. March was a big month for me. I became a Beach Body coach at the end of February, so March was my first full month with Beach Body. It's been such a growing experience, and I am loving everything I am doing! I also launched my own private nutrition counseling business! I am currently running my first free clean eating challenge through Facebook with a group of AWESOME women. I am so excited for all of these blessings and opportunities and pray that God uses all of these endeavors as a way to glorify HIM and show others His love. I am just so very blessed.

With that said, April goals may seem a little different than my typical goals. Since I get married on April 19th, I will be on my honeymoon for the last 2 weeks of April (PRAISE THE LORD!) But, I still want to make April an awesome month for myself, my personal goals, and my overall health!


1. Obviously, my most important goal is to get married. Can't forget that. Nope. I am beyond excited for this day, and for our marriage afterwards!

2-3. I am in my 7th week of the 8-week PiYo program through Beach Body. I have also been drinking their superfood Shakeology drink daily and have noticed a HUGE improvement in my health, energy, skin, ahem "movements," and cravings. My goal is to continue with PiYo to the end (something I have NEVER done with any other fitness program) and continue drinking Shakeology everyday! If anyone is interested in purchasing PiYo or Shakeology, or any other Beach Body program for that matter, please email me at You can order the programs through me and I will be your personal coach and support you as you go on your healthy lifestyle journey! I would love to partner with you in this process and am so passionate about these products! So please don't hesitate to email me, and I'll help you get started!

4. I am a Tone it Up girl for life. I love their workouts, recipes, and the Instagram community. These past few months have been SO busy that I haven't been able to be as involved with the awesome resources and community that Tone it Up has to offer. I plan on incorporating more of this lifestyle into my daily life, workouts, and food plans!

5. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Or should I say, CONTINUE eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. I have been a fruits and veggie machine lately, and I am loving the way these foods make me feel. They are so filling and yet low in calories. They are overflowing with nutrients. They are superfoods and we should be eating SO many of them throughout the day!

6. Lastly, I need to learn to stay calm. With everything going on right now with the wedding, work, my side business endeavors, and overall life, it's been SO easy to get anxious and worried. I need to daily, hourly, and even by the minute, give all of my burdens to the Lord. I wasn't meant to carry these burdens on my own. Jesus says His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). I encourage us all to surrender our cares to Jesus every day, and He will strengthen us and pull us through!


That's all for my April goals. I am SO excited for this month! Have you had time to write out some goals for April yet? Write one thing you want to accomplish this month in the comments!