Shredded BBQ chicken (Instant Pot!)

I have been singing the praises of the instant pot ever since my hubby got it for me for Christmas. It has literally transformed meal prep, helped us eat out WAY less, and makes cooking at home so much easier! I’ve been making shredded chicken almost weekly, so I wanted to share a super easy rendition with you all! 


Shredded chicken is so versatile! I’ve been making it with salsa verde, but also adding BBQ sauce to it as well, which means you can add it to salads, wraps, sandwiches, or just eat it plain!

And the best part is that you can use frozen chicken, make it taste super moist and fresh, and you don’t have to defrost the day before and make sure you plan ahead! You can just straight up throw frozen chicken into the instant pot and have a meal ready in less than 30 minutes. Here’s the super easy recipe! 


Makes 6-8 servings  

8 frozen chicken tenderloins

2-3 frozen chicken thighs  

1 cup chicken broth  

1 cup bbq sauce of choice  


Place the frozen chicken into the IP, along with the broth. Cover and set to sealing, then cook on manual for 22 minutes. Let the pressure release naturally for about 10 mins; then quick release.  

Once the pressure releases, take the chicken out of the IP and place in a bowl. Shred the chicken with two forks, then add the BBQ sauce and mix thoroughly! 

And that’s it! Super easy to throw together and it tastes delicious! Hope y’all get to try this recipe and seriously, if you don’t have an instant pot, go get one TODAY! They are life changing!  

Rosemary Garlic Chicken

I always dry out chicken. To the point where I don't even want to make it anymore and have been making ground turkey our meal staple for 5 months. But, I told myself to try one last attempt at a baked chicken recipe, and it was a hit! The secret is to put some broth in the casserole dish, and enough butter/oil to keep the chicken moist. Here is my recipe for Rosemary Garlic Chicken that is easy to make, could be doubled or tripled to always have on hand, and goes with practically anything! Enjoy!


Rosemary Garlic Chicken


1.5 lbs chicken tenders

2 T grass fed butter or ghee

1/2 T rosemary

2 T lemon juice

1-2 cloves garlic, crushed

Salt and pepper to taste

1/4 - 1/3 cup chicken broth



Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.


Make sure your butter is softened. Then, add the rosemary, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper to the butter and mix until it becomes a paste.


Rub the butter mixture onto the chicken tenders and place in a greased casserole dish. Pour the chicken broth into the dish.


Cover with foil and bake for 25-30 minutes or until there is no pink in the chicken.


I've had this chicken with potatoes, atop a fresh salad, and even with some marinara and steamed veggies! It is so versatile and tasty, I hope you enjoy!

Cilantro Thai Garlic Chicken

I have been wanting to share this recipe for so long and finally got a chance to sit down and do it! I love cooking different kinds of chicken because just plain chicken can get rather boring...and fast! The key to making healthy choices on a long-term basis is to change up your recipes and NOT get bored of your repetitive meals! And let's face it, long lasting and consistent changes are the only ones that make a true, positive impact on our health and overall well-being. Which is why I created this Cilantro Thai Garlic Chicken recipe that is so easy to make and helps your chicken stay flavorful, moist, and most importantly, healthy! This is a sure way to get all the nutrients you need while not getting bored of eating plain grilled chicken day in and day out. Enjoy!

Here is what you need:

Serves 2:

4-5 chicken tenders

1 tsp coconut aminos (great soy-free, gluten-free alternative to soy sauce! I found mine at Whole Foods)

1 T olive oil

1/2 cup fresh cilantro

2 cloves garlic

Optional: sugar snap peas, broccoli, toasted cashews

Place the olive oil, coconut aminos, garlic, and cilantro in the food processor and pulse until it forms a paste. Marinate the chicken in the cilantro mixture for about 20-30 minutes! Then cook on the grill, and enjoy! How easy is that!  I love adding some sugar snap peas or broccoli for some extra veggie goodness! As a fun, crunchy option, I toast a few cashews and mix it with the cooked chicken to add a little healthy fat and crunch to this dish! This meal goes great with some sweet potatoes or even a side salad.

Parmesan Garlic Chicken

Sometimes, you can get sick of healthy food. It happens, and it's normal. Chicken is one of those dishes that can get boring fast. Grilled chicken and salad is a meal one of my best friends and I joke about, because we ALWAYS have it. However, there are many ways to make even the blandest food a little more exciting. This week, I made a chicken dish that was so different and SO delicious. The parmesan and garlic combination was amazing, and kale was a great supplement to the meal! This meal was also super easy to whip up! Here is my easy and tasty chicken recipe!

Makes 2 servings

6 chicken tenders 2-3 T olive oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed Garlic salt Parmesan (I used about 2-3 T grated) 2 large handfuls of kale 

Heat the oil over medium heat in a skillet. Crush the garlic cloves, and sauté the garlic with the oil for a few minutes. 

Cut the chicken tenders into cubes. Add the chicken to the oil and sprinkle some garlic salt on top. Once the chicken is cooked through, add 2-3 tablespoons of Parmesan. Lastly, add a few handfuls of kale to the skillet and sauté everything together until the chicken starts to brown and the kale is wilted. 

I let these cool in two small containers so they would be ready for my lunches! This chicken was such a treat and a meal I looked forward to instead of dreaded! I highly recommend you all trying this dish if you feel yourself getting bored of your usual chicken meals!