Banana Chocolate Chip Bread

I have been craving baked goods lately, like WHOA. I'm 37 weeks pregnant today and until now sweets weren't really my thing (except for a small bout with brownies in my second trimester). But lately, I've been all about the sweets. I really like baking my own treats and sweets because it's fun for me and I get to control what goes in them. So I decided to whip up some banana chocolate chip bread over the weekend, and it turned out delicious! Super easy ingredients and ready in under an hour!


Makes 1 loaf

4 bananas (the browner the better!)

3/4 cup gluten free pancake and baking mix

3/4 cup almond flour

1 large egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

10-12 packets stevia

1/2 tsp cinnamon

2-3 T chocolate chip morsels 

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.

Then, place the bananas in a mixer and blend them up until they are mashed and smooth. Then, add the rest of the ingredients except for the chocolate chips and mix thoroughly. Lastly, fold in the chocolate chips!

Spray or grease a standard loaf pan. Then pour the batter into the pan and bake for about 40-50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean! 


Enjoy on its own or smeared with some peanut butter! So delicious! 

Banana Oatmeal Bake

My dad has been on an oatmeal kick lately. I made him a big, yummy bowl the other morning, but unfortunately don't have time to do that every day! I wish I did...but alas...I am a working girl now. So last night I decided to quickly whip up a baked oatmeal concoction that we could eat for the rest of the week without too much hassle. We tasted a bit of of it last night and it tasted wonderful! Just like warm oatmeal in a gooey baked form with the bananas oozing out. It was absolutely delicious. I definitely want to incorporate more oats into my daily life and figure out new and tasty ways to make baked oats recipes! Here is my very first one! :)

Banana Oatmeal Bake

Dry ingredients: 1.5 cups gluten free rolled oats 1/4 cup Pamela's pancake and baking mix 1/4 cup flaxseed 1/2 cup baking Stevia 1/2 t Cinnamon 

Wet ingredients: 1 egg 1/2 cup egg whites 1/2 cup almond milk 1 mashed banana 

Neither wet nor dry: 1 banana, sliced thin 

First things first, gather all of your ingredients.

I absolutely love using Pamela's gluten free baking products!! They are the best mix I have come across and never leave me disappointed with my baking results! I also love the GF oats from Trader Joe's because they come in a huge bag at a great price! 

Okay back to the recipe, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 

Mix all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Then, mix all the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

Next, add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. It's perfectly normal if it comes out a little watery, as that liquid is what will help bake the oats! Lastly, add the sliced bananas to the mixture and fold them in gently without mashing them.

Spray or grease a 9x9 baking dish and pour the oat mixture into the dish evenly. Bake for about 25-30 mins, then enjoy!



I cut mine into 9 squares, so for each square the nutrition facts are as follows: 115 calories, 3g fat, 19g carbs, 3.5g fiber, 5g protein. 

You could have these squares anytime of day! I just paired up a square with a hard boiled egg before heading out for my workout! These would also taste great with some peanut butter on top...the possibilities are endless! And it's such an easy recipe to whip up. I hope you all get to try this recipe soon! 

Have a happy and healthy day everyone!