Why I Decided Not to Run My 10K

That's right. Yesterday, I decided not to run my 10K. I signed up for this race a few months ago and tried to train as best I could without injuring myself. But after a few weeks of tightness and pain in my knee and hip, as well as being hit by bronchitis last week and coughing nonstop, I decided to not run my race on Sunday. It was hard to come to this decision, and I'm fighting hard to not see this as a failure. But I do know this is better for me long term. Running is a huge part of my life, I absolutely love it. It gives me confidence, strength, and finally showed me that I CAN do what I set out to do. But, my knees are breaking down and my hips are sore. I can't keep pounding on my joints, even though I want to!! I'm crazy I know...

I have to be at peace about this decision. It's just one race, and for the sake of my health, I know I'll be okay if I skip it. I still consider myself as a runner, even if I only run twice a week at very slow paced, which apparently is really healthy according to this article I read!


I'll still be getting my beloved cardio and toning workouts in, but with more variety and ease. I've also been loving taking my cardio outdoors lately. I went on a two mile walk this morning and it was beautiful!


I think the most important thing is to do what you love while also listening to your body. I love running, but I feel that God is helping me love other, healthier ways of getting my activity in as well. And for that, I am grateful! :)

Week 1: 10K Recap

Well, my first week of training came to an end yesterday! Even though it wasn't exactly how I wanted it to be, I am still pleased with my performance and my times! I wasn't able to get my long run in, or my second plyometrics workout, but other than that, it was a great week!


I ran a total of 12 miles this week. I did plyometrics on my 4 mile run day. I had planned on doing it on another day in between runs, but just couldn't fit it in! I'll have to plan more carefully for next week!

On my long run day (the 5 miles which turned into 3 miles), I only made it to 3 miles. I was tired, not feeling well, and my legs were extremely sore from leg day! I'm disappointed that I couldn't do the 5 miles, but there is always this week to try again!

I'm happy with how training has been going so far and can't wait to see what this week will bring! Stay tuned for my food and fitness plan post coming soon!

Running on Up!

Hello everyone and happy Sunday!! It's been a hot but beautiful weekend where I live. I've been enjoying it so much. I'm having a relaxing Sunday afternoon today. After church, I came home and made a quick lunch with some leftovers from last night's 2 year anniversary dinner with my fiancé! Post on that coming soon! But I ate my leftover skirt steak with chimichurri sauce, which was incredible! I added some veggies and egg whites to round out my meal.


I also made a big batch of my Paleo Kung pao chicken to take to work this week....it was one of the first recipes I posted and is one of my favorites!!


Isn't it gorgeous!?! It is so colorful and full of healthy veggies and protein! As well as YUMMY!

I thought I would also write a little update on my workouts lately. I've still been doing strength training and toning work about 3-4 times per week, and am loving the results I am seeing! I am increasing my weights and being able to do more than I thought possible! My feet/knees/all other pains have also been better, so I've been increasing the number of runs per week, as well as my mileage and speed! I'm not pushing too far, but it feels great to be running more!


I'm glad I have been averaging less than 10 minute miles, and even faster in some cases!! I'm making sure to rest between runs do I don't make the same mistake I made when I injured myself in the first place (7 mile runs three days in a row are never a good idea!)

Anyways, I plan on hitting the gym this afternoon with my fiancé, which I am excited about, and enjoying this Sunday afternoon and long weekend!! Have a great weekend and Labor Day everyone!

30 days of Consistency

Good morning everyone! I can't believe it is already August...this summer is just speeding by! Before we know it, it will be Fall again, and then...CHRISTMAS! Am I getting ahead of myself? Oh well, I love Christmas and everything about wintertime. So I really can't wait! :) I thought I would write a little update post on my workouts since I haven't done a post on fitness for a while. July was a really consistent month for me in regards to both fitness and nutrition (yay!) and, not shockingly, I have seen the most changes in my body and physical abilities because of this. Consistency is key, and I have really seen the difference that consistent healthy eating and workouts can bring.

I workout about 5-6 days a week, doing cardio almost every day, and doing toning work and strength training 3-4 days a week. I work with a personal trainer every Monday morning, and then work out of a log book for the rest of the week.

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Each workout lasts about 50 minutes-1 hour, including both cardio and strength training.

*My cardio consists of running 3-4 miles, walking, or doing the elliptical machine for 30-40 minutes.

*I alternate my strength training days between legs/abs, chest/triceps, back/biceps, and shoulders/abs.

I have been upping my weights this month and have been amazed at what I am capable of! When I began being more consistent with my strength training in May, I started my bicep curls with 5lb dumbbells, and now 10lb dumbbells are getting easy! I could only do 6 male (aka the real kind) push ups when I first started, and now I can do 15. I'm seeing more definition in my arms and I am really liking the results I am experiencing! The picture below shows the first day I actually spotted a baby bicep! :)

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Of course, it isn't just about workouts. We can workout all we want, but our goals are a direct results of our nutrition. Whether we want to lose weight, tone up, or grow bigger, nutrition is 80% of the equation! For months, I was working out consistently, but was not consistent with my eating. This month, I have been pretty consistent (not perfect mind you, just making healthy choices more than unhealthy ones!) and have really seen the difference that healthy and balanced eating can make in my fitness and physical appearance. It's been exciting for me to see changes and I can't wait to see what the next few months bring!

My typical meals include:

Pre workout meals of HB eggs, banana, nuts, or a gluten-free baked good of mine (search the blog for tons...and I mean TONS of recipes!)

Post workout meals are mostly eggs, sausage, veggies, sweet potatoes, or some kind of fruit. I focus on protein and carbs for my post workout, which helps with recovery and my energy levels! Below is me thoroughly enjoying my scrambled eggs and spiraled sweet potatoes after a workout! :)

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Lunches and dinners have included protein, vegetables, lots of vegetables, more vegetables, and healthy fats! I love vegetables, if you can't tell. When I go out, I also try to make healthy choices whether it is a salad, or this beautiful plate below. You can never go wrong with chicken and vegetables, but make sure to not get bored of it as well. Sometimes, I will include rice or some kind of grain to my meals. But I always make sure to have them in the correct portion and not overdo these foods. I would hate to have less vegetables because I filled up on rice!

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**Make sure to follow me on Instagram (@tveen_rd) for a day-by-day account of my eats and workouts!**

I don't follow a strict diet mentality. I just make sure to eat whole, nutritious foods. It took me a while to get to this point. But I have found that the more freedom I give myself in my food choices, the more naturally I gravitate towards the healthier options. I love how eating healthy makes me feel, and I always feel better after a meal that nourishes me. But, life is not about labels (as I have written about before...see Labeling Life post from January), and I feel that God is constantly teaching me this through my healthy eating and fitness journey.

As a Registered Dietitian, I am bombarded with nutrition news, research, and diets that always overwhelm and confuse the public, as well as myself from time to time! I try to focus on the healthy side of each diet philosophy, even though I may not agree with 100% of what some advocate. So whether my meals are paleo, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, or a random hodgepodge of food, I try to make the healthy choice, while leaving some wiggle room for whatever may come my way! :)

It's been exactly 30 days of consistency for me, and I am loving the way I feel and the changes I am seeing. I can't wait to see what these next 30 days will bring me!


1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."


Trainings and Runs

This week went by SO fast...which is great because I have next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off...yay! I am beyond excited and hope to get some good rest and relaxation time. Just thought I'd write a little update post on my runs and training sessions! This week's training sessions were so good and got me pretty sore! We usually do chest and triceps one day, then back and biceps, then a leg day all to itself. I've been working out with a personal trainer once a week, then working out of a plan he made for me twice a week. This week, one of his goals for me was to run 3 miles in under 30 minutes. My first reaction to that was that it would be completely impossible. I haven't been running at the rate that I used to run in months due to my stubborn knee issues. I've been interval running (1 min run, 1 min walk, etc) for a month now, and maybe reach 2.3-2.5 miles in 30 minutes by doing so. But, my trainer put that number in my mind, and I was determined to reach it!

My running plan was 3 miles, 3 times this week. I completed my first 3 mile run in 28:34! I really pushed it and was so proud of myself by the end of it. If I have a goal time in my head, and know I have to answer to someone about it, I definitely want to reach that goal.

And from there, my runs got even better! On Thursday, my 3 mile run was reached in 28:02, and then Friday, I ran 3 miles in 27:39! I believe that's the fastest I've been able to do 3 miles in almost a year!!

I feel so happy and excited that I have been able to run again with minimal knee discomfort. I think the key is to make sure I take enough days off (something I hated doing before) and be sure to ice and elevate my knee after runs. I have been scared to push myself lately, but my knee really has been feeling much better, so I'm glad that I had some incentive to push myself on my pace this week! It feels so good to be able to run again and reach mileage goals that I haven't been able to in a while! Maybe I can try 4 miles in under 40 minutes next week...hmmmm :)

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Oh Running, how I've missed you!

I am SO glad about the fact that it is Thursday already!! This week has flown by for me and I am so happy about it!! Thought I'd share a quick update on my running progress! As some of my readers already know, I used to be an avid runner (6-8miles/day and a few half marathons under my belt). Last October I hurt my hip and knee somehow and haven't been able to run much longer than 20 minutes (2 miles) at a time. Yesterday, I was able to run 3 miles!!! I was soooo excited! It took me a little longer than usual but it's definitely been a while and I had just worked my legs for about 20 minutes before hand.


I'm so excited to be getting back slowly but surely. I made sure to ice my knee afterwards and am feeling great today!! I've had a random swollen ankle the past couple weeks (no idea why) so that is the only discomfort I feel at the moment. I can't wait to hopefully be able to run more and run OUTSIDE since the weather has been beautiful!!

After my run, I made sure to have a nice and balanced post


Anyways, gotta go hit the gym! Have a lovely day everyone! :)

Workout plan...FINALLY!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you all are enjoying this weekend so far. I am so excited to report that I can finally have more variety in my workouts! I've been doing random workouts at home, what I call my Arm Blasting Workout (ABW). I am still going to incorporate these into my workout routine because I have been getting so sore and really feel the difference these high-intensity toning exercises are making in my body. However, I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday who gave me some information on what is wrong with my knees and also gave me some strengthening and workout tips to get me back into running shape! Basically, everything that could be wrong with my knee is wrong with my knee...just kidding (kind of). I don't want to get too technical, but basically she believes I have ileotibial band syndrome, patellar tendonitis, and meniscus tears (non-surgical) in both my knees. There is also significant breakdown of cartilage in both my knees, which means that running has started to take its toll on my joints. I've always had bad knees, so I am not surprised that the breakdown has started already. But! There is hope. She believes that if I incorporate regular strengthening exercises into my routine for my quads, hamstrings, and calves, the strength in my legs can support my knees, which will in turn enable me to run again. Stretching also has to be a crucial part of my routine in order to prevent further injury. Lastly, she is going to send me to a physical therapist for some additional strengthening and correcting.

With that said, the approved workouts I can do are:

***Elliptical, bike, walking

***Leg extensions (quads), leg curls & dead lifts (hamstrings), and calf raises (no lunges or squats for now!)

***Obviously, upper body and abdominal workouts!

***NO running for at least 8 weeks

I was able to do 20 minutes of the elliptical today and then worked on my quads, back, and abs. With some stretching to top it off! It felt so good to be able to go to the gym again! So here is my workout plan for this coming week (stretching is a given everyday so I'm not going to put that down; and ABW takes anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes! Check back to previous posts for the ABW workout!)

November 24-November 30

11/24: Elliptical 15 minutes, bike 15 minutes, hamstrings, triceps, biceps

11/25: Elliptical 20 minutes, calf raises, ABW

11/26: Bike 15 minutes, quads, chest, ABW

11/27: Elliptical 30 minutes, hamstrings, back, TIU shoulder routine

11/28: Elliptical 45 minutes, calf raises, ABW (extra long today because...well...you know...THANKSGIVING!)

11/29: Elliptical 20, bike 10, quads, bi/tri

11:30: Elliptical 15, bike 15, hamstrings, back, ABW


That is the tentative plan for this week! Of course, I may add some TIU workouts here and there once they post their weekly schedule! I'm excited to add more variety into my workouts and hopefully build up the strength I need in my legs to start running again in a couple months.

Just keep walking, just keep walking...

Happy Tuesday everyone! I have been such a bad blogger lately, but I am determined to get back at it! One reason being I miss writing and it is such a stress relief for me during this crazy time of studying! And also because I want to try some new recipes soon and get back in the kitchen! It's been hard to cook lately since my schedule has been taken over by studying for my RD exam. But I'm hoping to get back to the cooking and baking soon!

Update on my hip/knee situation: Basically, all I have been doing for the past week is walking, walking, walking. My new shoes have been working out really well for me!

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I still have some aches and pains, so I am continuing my walk/stretch/ice regimen for a couple more weeks. I'm hoping to maybe be able to start running by December...Christmas present to myself?? Here's to hoping!

My days have been pretty routine lately. Basically, I have been waking up in the mornings, having my quiet time, then heading to the gym. This song has been in my head for days and days, and I have had it on repeat all morning! I highly recommend it :)


Yesterday morning, I woke up and made some banana peanut butter waffles. My dad had the day off, so I decided to make us some breakfast before heading to the gym!

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I walked for 30 minutes, then did the TIU shoulder routine (I've posted this before, it's great! Just look back a few posts for the video!)

I came back home, showered, and hit the books with studying for my RD (registered dietitian) exam. There is so much information I need to know, and I am feeling pretty overwhelmed! But I am studying the best I can and praying for focus! Around 11am (I know, early, right?) I made a quick lunch for my dad and I. I seasoned some canned in water tuna with some olive oil, lemon juice, red pepper, and garlic powder. It tasted great in our flat out bread! We also had a side of carrots with eggplant hummus (my favorite kind from Trader Joe's!)

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After lunch, my dad and I headed to Peet's to have some tea and study/read. It was so nice having my dad to hang out with yesterday. I am usually home alone during the days studying and just keeping myself busy. It was such a blessing to have some company! I got the Masala Chai tea and munched on an apple later on in the afternoon. I knew I'd get hungry before dinner since we had lunch so early, so I planned ahead and brought a juicy and delicious apple!

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I also had a small handful of nuts when we got home from the coffee shop. I was still feeling hungry and knew I wouldn't make it until dinner. 

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I was contemplating just staying home for dinner so I could continue my studying, but my parents convinced me to get out and spend some time with my family, which I'm so glad I did! Life is all about balance, and I knew that I would just burn out if I continued studying through the night instead of getting out. We went out to one of my favorite restaurants, Pita Jungle! This place uses such fresh and healthy ingredients, and I can always count on their food tasting delicious. I got the broiled chicken pita wrap!

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After dinner, I studied some more but could not keep my eyes open after 9pm! I know, grandma status. I finally decided to sleep around 9:30. I tend to listen to my body when it comes to sleep and not fight it, because if I do, I've found that I miss my window of opportunity for good sleep and end up staying up all night and being very restless!

So that was my day yesterday! I am hoping to do some baking and cooking soon and get back on here to share some recipes with you guys! I hope you all have a fabulous day! :)



Inflammation is NOT my friend

Wow, I cannot believe how long it has been since I've written a post! I am SO sorry! I've been crazy busy this past week nursing my poor hip/knee, which has appeared to have gotten worse, as well as studying for my RD exam. It's been really tough not being able to workout the way I am used to, especially because running is not about burning calories for me anymore. It's become something I look forward to every  morning when I wake up. It's become a way for me to think, pray, and relieve my stress before the day begins. Which is why I am determined to have this pain figured out! I have not run for 3 weeks now, and it is really starting to get on my nerves! I went to the doctor this week, who ordered x-rays, and a possible MRI if the x-rays come out clean. Since I'm pretty sure I have no broken bones, I'm hoping the MRI will be the next step to make sure I haven't torn any muscles or ligaments. I'm certain this pain is inflammatory and is caused by overuse, and possibly the need for new running shoes (which I wish were cheaper)!

In the meantime, I've been trying to do as much as I can to alleviate the stress on my hip and knee, while still working out and maintaining my endurance and active lifestyle. For example, this morning, I did 3 miles on the elliptical, with no incline and minimal resistance (between 1-3)...

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Even though I definitely don't get the endorphins I am used to on the elliptical, I am trying to be positive and focus on the fact that I can still do SOMETHING to move my legs and stay active! After my workouts, I typically come home and ice my hip and knee while having a light snack...check out these jumpo grapes from a few days ago!

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I've also been dabbling in a "paleo" type of lifestyle this week, since these foods are anti-inflammatory, and I'm hoping they may help my pain! I haven't been too strict on this, and might see better results if I am more strict; but for now, I am trying to focus on being grain and dairy free, icing my hip and knee, and stretching as much as possible.

Today, I had a lovely sausage and veggie omelet for lunch, and got a surprise double-yolk from one of my eggs! These grain and dairy free meals have been helping me in the staying-full and having-energy department, so I am very much hoping they will help my pain as well!

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I'm hoping to be back and running again very soon. My plan is to wait on my doctor for the results of my x-ray, and for a possible MRI. I am also going to continue my elliptical regimen with icing and stretching afterwards. I am going to try my best to stay grain and dairy free for a short while to see if that impacts my pain. I am also going to check out a running store soon to see if I need new or different shoes. Hopefully these things will help me heal soon, as I am SO ready to get back to my running!

I hope you all are having a fantastic Thursday and I hope to be writing again soon! :)

Rest Day: Daily Manna 10/17

Soooo this Daily Manna is being written a day late, but that's okay! It's also probably not a very exciting one, because yesterday was a rest day. I am not a fan of rest days! I know I may be a rare breed but I literally wake up in the mornings excited for my run and my workout! But, I knew I had to take a rest day yesterday because of my hip/knee (and possibly today too...icing my injuries at the moment). My pain has progressively gotten worse over the past week, to the point where my entire right leg feels like dead weight. I regretfully decided to take a rest day yesterday, so this is what my day looked like! I woke up early per usual, since my internal clock believes the day will go to waste if I wake up after 6:30am. However, I've always been okay with this because it makes me feel very productive. I am a morning person through and through. After my quiet time, I decided to channel my usual morning energy from my workout to some study energy! I took my mom to work and was at a coffee shop by 7:30am with my RD study book studying away.

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As you can tell, I was very sad to be taking a rest day, but decided that my Mickey and Minnie shirt would obviously make me feel better! :) I also thoroughly enjoyed my new and improved pumpkin bread recipe! I am trying to decrease the amount of protein powder I am using and increase the almond flour to help with how fluffy the baked good is coming out, and boy was I successful! I'm going to do the same thing with my brownies today and see if it will make them equally as moist and fluffy! And I can hopefully post these new and improved recipes soon!

ANYWAYS! I got to coffee bean and studied straight for about 2 hours...

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I then decided to take a break for my apple and 100 calorie pack of almonds!

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I read some of my book during my break as well ("Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis) and then continued to study until about 11am. My brain was definitely feeling tired at this point. I went to Chipotle to grab lunch for my friend, my mom, and myself! I then headed to my mom's work to have lunch with them!

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Lunch was kind of disappointing. I haven't had the meat at chipotle for a few weeks every since I tried the barbacoa (which usually tastes great) and had an awful experience with it. But I also don't like just getting beans and rice because, even though it tastes great, it doesn't fill me up as much as the protein. I decided to be brave and try the bowl with 1/2 barbacoa and 1/2 chicken...which was a bad idea since I got sick again...ohhhhh Chipotle. SO good but so bad...I guess I will have to stick to my beans and rice and make sure I have substantial protein and go easy on the grains during the day!

I ended up staying at my mom's work and studying there for a while longer until my brain just could not take it anymore! I had my snackie snack while reading some of my Bible. I love having some Bible time mid-day. My quiet times in the morning are so special to me, but sometimes I need that little reminder during the day of God's promises and how much He loves and cares for me! :)

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We had an early dinner last night and I forgot to take a picture of it even though we went to one of my favorite pizza places! Yes, I said pizza! I love this place and the gluten in the crust is definitely worth it to me! They make their pizza so fluffy and fresh and delicious. We usually start out with a yummy and light salad, followed by our pizza! My mom and I shared a "personal" sized veggie pizza, which is actually enough for about 3 people! I had two slices and definitely savored every bite of each slice! I've realized that, if I space out my gluten enough, it doesn't bother my tummy as much. But if I have too much of it in one day, or all day for a few days in a row, that's when the problems occur. I am happy to report that last night's dinner did not bother me and I enjoyed every single bite! I promise to take pictures next time, because the pictures definitely portray how yummy this pizza really is!!!

Currently, I am icing my hip and knee, which is really helping with the inflammation and pain. I was planning to take a rest day today as well, but I am contemplating going to the gym to do an easy elliptical workout and some weights. I guess I will see as the day progresses!

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend! :)