Friday Favorites

Is it weird that I am still SO happy it's Friday, even though I've been home all week? There is just something about the energy on Friday that makes me so excited for the weekend! Tonight, we have youth group, and then NOTHING ELSE planned except for church on Sunday morning. Ohhhhh glorious....

Tomorrow, hubby and I are planning on working a bit more on the baby's room (just a few more finishing touches!) and then I really want to go to a local salsa night, but I'm not sure how conducive my 36 weeks pregnant bump will be to salsa dancing. We might just enjoy a quiet night in or a movie! Either way, I'm super excited for the weekend. 

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I had so many favorite moments this week, it's hard to pick just a few! 

1. Childbirth classes. One highlight of this week was attending our first of two childbirth classes! We went to our local hospital for the classes since the hospital we are delivering at was already full. But the class was so great and full of amazing info for both hubby and I! 

2. Our 2 year anniversary! We celebrated our two year wedding anniversary on Wednesday, April 19th. I can't believe it's been 2 years since we got married! My husband took the day off and we went to our prenatal check up, then went to Huntington Gardens and frolicked in the pretty flowers! Followed by an awesome dinner at a restaurant by our house that we've been dying to try. 

But the highlight of the anniversary was definitely the surprise Vasken planned for me. I woke up to petals of roses leading me downstairs to the kitchen. By each petal there was an index card of qualities he loves about me (my top love language is word of affirmation, so this made my heart explode), and the final card was a picture of eggs and bacon (we are true foodies). He also cooked me a pancake breakfast before our prenatal appointment. I've got a keeper, folks!

3. Strawberries. I have been all about the strawberries this week. Pretty sure I've gone through 4 cartons by myself. I really should just go get a big flat of them from the local farmer's stand we have. That's going on my to-do list for the weekend. 

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4. Resting. Ok even though this isn't necessarily a favorite of mine this week, it is a concept that is growing on me. At our prenatal check up, Baby Emma was measuring a bit smaller than what my OB was comfortable with. She had caught up with her growth a few weeks ago, but is falling behind again, especially in the belly. So I am now going in for NST tests 2x/week (non stress tests for the baby) on top of weekly ultrasounds to check on her growth. My doctor also recommended that I take it easy and lay down more often throughout the day on my left side. He said walking is fine, but he definitely wants me to rest. So I have embraced some new Netflix/Amazon prime shows (thankful to friends for the suggestions!) and have parked myself on the couch for most of my days. I'm not on strict bedrest or anything, but I know that I have to slow down on my movements (our 3 story townhouse is activity enough, those stairs are getting tougher and tougher!) I plan on going on walks to enjoy the weather and resting; a balance that is OB-approved! :) 

For now, I am finishing up an episode of the Royals while sipping on some coffee, then am headed to my first NST appointment! The rest of the day may consist of a mani/pedi, getting some work done at a Starbucks for my private clients, and of course, resting on the couch! I hope you all have a fabulous Friday! Share some of your favorite moments from the week in the comments below, I'd love to hear!